Simply Chocolate
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Chocolate for Every Myers Briggs Personality Type

ISFJ - The Protector

Everyone loves that you're no fuss, no muss. But you also have a penchant for coloring outside the lines every now and then.Chocolate Personality:
Milk Bar Nut

Chuao Share the Love
Artisan Bar 36 Pc Gift
Chuao Share the Love Artisan Bar 36 Pc Gift

ISFP - The Composer

Tradition? Forget that. The future? Not too worried. You're all about experiencing the moment. Chocolate Personality: Exotic Bon Bons

Norman Love Signature
Chocolates Box
Norman Love Signature Chocolates Box

ESTP - The Doer

Why talk about it, when you can just do it? Same with chocolate: why read what's in each chocolate, when you can just taste and find out.Chocolate Personality: Exotic

Chuao Chefs Favorite Bon Bon Collection 9pc
Chuao Chefs Favorite Bon Bon Collection 9pc

ESFJ - The Provider

Everyone knows the next party is at your house. A large box of assorted milk chocolates is perfect to share with your guests.Chocolate Personality: Milk Bon bons

Godiva Milk Chocolate Assortment Box
Godiva Milk Chocolate Assortment Box
  1. Learn
  2. Chocolate For Every Myers Briggs Personality Type